A letter from our CEO
I always knew Legrande was going to focus on helping patients achieve their greatest health. It’s why, when choosing a name for our company, I adapted the French word “Legrand,” meaning “great.”
Now I’m proud to announce that we are changing our name from Legrande Corporation to Legrande Health.
Our reason is simple. We’re about more than prescription access. We’re changing, simplifying, and improving the path to better outcomes, not only for patients themselves but for physicians, pharmacies, and manufacturers as well.
We saw the challenges of the process for everyone involved and identified the obstacles. Doctors want to make sure their patients get the medications they prescribe. Local pharmacies want to provide those medications without hassle and increase their services. And patients want the right care at the right price. We have solved for every issue.
With Legrande Health, physicians prescribe with confidence. Pharmacies have a committed partner to help enhance and grow their business. Patients save money and enjoy newfound support. And manufacturers now have a more efficient and cost-effective way of getting their products to the patients who need them.
Truth be told: I envision Legrande Health successfully providing care so personal and so seamless that in time, everyone in our community will simply refer to us as “My Legrande.”
I’m thrilled to take this next step together. Let’s get to it, and make sure every patient has the opportunity to achieve their greatest health without question or delay.
Tony Sine
Legrande Health